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a novel

by Raashan Toomey


Ashley’s life is falling apart and she doesn’t think it can get any worse. Her boyfriend, Marcus, has involved her in the awful betrayal of one of their closest friends. The weight of the guilt that burdens her is already more than she can handle. Having to look the betrayed friend in the eye is threatening to give her a nervous breakdown. She believes that leaving the presence of the friend she wronged will make her feel better, but when a shadowy figure follows her through the dark and dangerous Las Vegas night, she’ll realize just how much worse it can get. 

She struggles to keep her boyfriend’s secret, but when his betrayal is finally discovered, Marcus is pressed by his friends to explain why he would do something so horrible to someone he was supposed to care about. He weaves for them a tale of sex, money and murder, no more or less than they would expect of him, given his reputation, but when his story leaves the familiar world of crime and passion and ventures into the secrets of occult wisdom and magic, his friends are left unsure of what to believe. See, his friends don’t believe in magic, but that doesn’t stop it from knocking on the door.

Before her journey through the dark depths of the human soul has reached its climax, Ashley will have to find answers for some of the oldest questions ever known to man. What makes a good man turn bad? Can love make a bad man good? And when forced by fate to battle an enemy whose knowledge of the occult makes him impossible to stop using conventional means, she’ll have to find an answer to humanity’s most ancient riddle, how does one go about learning magic?


For the answers to these questions and more, pick up a copy of Paradise, NV: a novel.

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